Home ContactandCV Hoteye Real Life Exhibition Fine Art Written Publication





Hoteye is a company which produces creative commercial photography, imaginative family portraiture and striking landscape photography to your request. I am a leading photographer within this company. I prepare work for a wide range of clients.

The top three images were taken for a local magasine CR2. The first (TOP LEFT) is a photograph of the grounds of a local hotel. The image is made more effective through the the way that the image is composed, with the tree framing the landscape.The contrasting dark colours of the tree against the bright and vibrant background make for a charming and unusual photograph. The second image, (TOP CENTRE) was taken on request from a client. He wanted a photograph of a particular place at sunset because of sentimental reasons, and this beautiful picture was the result. The third image (TOP RIGHT) is a picture of cherry blossom on a blurred background. The image is wonderful and has been used for a magasine as a fill in and has been used as a piece of artwork in clients houses and offices.

Other photographs have included photographs for a Neuro Linguistic Programming Centre-NLP Academy (LEFT).The images taken for them involved visiting the centre whilst hypnosis was taking place. In order to preserve the privacy of the entire process, the peoples faces and hands are blurred to create a mystical and dreamlike effect.


I have also photographed various events, (RIGHT). This photograph was taken at a church confirmation alongside many others. It depicts the childeren having great fun with the Bishop and Priest. It captures happy day and the fun loving attitude of all involved accurately.


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